Pablo and I met about 5 years ago, since then I have been lucky to follow his adventure at El Chipirón.
I still remember the first time I came by, the restaurant was still in progress and Pablo and his beautiful wife Diana showed the immense passion they were pouring into this project written in their shiny eyes.
Many dinners, happy hours and several Gin and Tonics, wait, the BEST Gin&Tonics in town; we had the amazing opportunity to bring Pablo' story to The Kitchen Pass. But, before we get into the ins and outs of their amazing story let's talk a little bit more about their G&T. Eight different mixes make the list; beautiful designs and innovative techniques allow you to relish Pablo's creations. Definitely, a must have on your visit to El Chipiron, they make it so easy with such variety that everyone can find their favorite!
Pablo says: " Believe it or not in Spain we have the best Gin & Tonics in the world, although it was a British invention (My beloved British friends once you try them, you will understand).
A lot of Spanish high end chefs started playing with it in the 90s, started with the Vasque cooks that were trained by French cooks; like Arzak, Subijana, Berasategui... They started applying cooking techniques to Gin and Tonics and make something really fun about it"

"Eight different mixes make
the Gin & Tonic list"
But let's get over the drinks and talk about the whole experience at the restaurant and great opportunity we had to see the Chef cooking all the dishes we tasted.
Saturday morning, we had our meeting schedule earlier than what you would consider a proper brunch, but this occasion requested it; Pablo had offer to cook for The Kitchen Pass on a private setup and an open-kitchen policy, so of course we didn't hesitate to start our brunch at 9 o'clock!
Our filming date was exactly a week after my trip to Spain to visit my family, so this was the perfect antidote for my already starting homesickness. When we arrived Pablo was ready to roll, as always excited to not only cook but share what is behind his kitchen line. My focus was immediately taken away by the aroma of fresh tomatoes that by then had taken the shape of Salmorejo, a tomato and bread based "puree" served cold in every Spanish home during the summer months.
After a couple minutes, not only the aromas of familiar food but the word-delicacy and knowledge that Pablo transmits when talking about food had taken me more than 5,000 miles from Austin and transported me to the heart of Spain.

I knew Pablo as a friend and I knew he was incredible but when he started talking about food he absolutely blew my mind. His knowledge, not only about the food itself and the cooking techniques, but also his awareness about where that food is coming from and what such a fundamental part food plays in culture was breathtaking.
The three of us, Zhipeng, Pablo and myself sat for about two hours to enjoy a delicious meal and incredible honest conversation. No filters added. That's Pablo, and I very much appreciate it, because this what The Kitchen Pass is all about - their story good, bad, hard, easy, ups, downs so others can see the reality of being a Chef or a Restaurant Owner.
With incredible mixed feelings Pablo and Diana shared with us their decision to move back to Spain after two wonderful years running El Chipirón before this article and vide were published. We are extremely happy for them as they start this new and exciting chapter of their lives, really sad because they are leaving an enormous empty space in the Spanish cuisine in town and in our hearts as they truly are amazing persons.
We wish them the very best on this new challenge and the ones that might come in Spain, who knows... they might decide to open up a wonderful restaurant in Spain and we will be able to cover that. Only time will tell us.
the Spanish One - Laura